
I have been using GNU/Linux for my day to day work since 2006. I normally work in text based terminal (such as bash, also via ssh) to be able to track and reproduce my work and automatise tasks using scripts.

My favourite text editor is Emacs, although I also use Vim for small editing tasks. I am familiar with Libreoffice for documents type setting. I write notes in plain text and more complex reports, slides or posters using LaTeX. I am competent in HTML+CSS as well as several static website frameworks (Jekyll, Vuepress).

I use version control system git to track the changes in my code, Docker to keep the system easily transferable and reproducible and other modern software development tools.


Routinely program in C/C++, Python, MySQL, PHP, Octave (Matlab), Perl, JavaScript with standard C libraries, GNU Scientific Library, BLAS/LAPACK, CVODE, OpenCV.

Basics of Fortran, Assembler (x86), R, XML, Java, and C libraries OpenMP and MPI for code parallelisation, and PETSc.

Knowledge of GNU build system (GNU Autotools: Automake, Autoconf), GNU make and GNU Compiler collection gcc and GNU coding standards.

Data processing

Data visualisation in vector graphics using gnuplot, and Python library matplotlib as well as self-hosted options like Grafana and Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash.

Image manipulation with a command line toolbox ImageMagic, gimp, and inkscape. Knowledge of LaTeX extension PStrics and PostScript tags replacement PSfrags and graphics drawing package TikZ.

Data and text transformation tools awk, and sed.


  • Czech (native)
  • Spanish (fluent)
  • Italian (basic)
  • English (fluent)
  • German (basic)